Partner Awards

2024 Awards of Excellence in Housing | BILD Central Alberta


BILD-CA invites all Trade, Supplier, and Service Professional members, in good standing, to enter into the Partner Awards program. Once a member registers their business in the Partner Award program the business will be automatically included in the on-line survey sent out to all BILD-CA members. Members have the opportunity to complete the on-line survey asking them to rate their experience with the registered member businesses. The intent of the survey is to measure the quality of the relationship(s) our members have established with other members in the trades, suppliers, and service professional category during the past year.


  • Trade of the Year (Large and Small category)
  • Supplier of the Year (Large and Small category)
  • Service Professional of the Year (Large and Small category)


  • For Trade, Suppliers and Service Professional Members only.
  • Only BILD - Central Alberta members in good standing are eligible to enter.

AWARDS OBJECTIVE: To recognize the member who demonstrated outstanding effort and quality of service delivery, and the individual's and/ or team's dedication and service to the community and Association at the local level, and to proudly inform the public of these achievements.


All BILD-Central Alberta members in good standing are sent a survey asking them to rate their experience with the member business in the past year in each of the five categories: 1) Experience with staff; 2) Workplace Health and Safety; 3) Customer Service; 4) Referral Recommendation; and 5) Overall Experience.

  • Responses to the five categories on the survey are converted to numerical scores for each Partner member. Partner members with the highest overall score for their category win the respective Partner of the Year Award.
  • Members are asked not to judge a member services if they have not used those services in the past year.
  • A minimum of (3) surveys must be completed for a member to be eligible. The Association will email the survey to member companies once and then follow-up with them via email to remind them to complete the survey. It is in the participating member's best interested to encourage them to complete the survey.
  • All completed surveys will be audited for the following:
    • Survey answers will be discarded if a member rates a competing member business.
    • Survey answers will be discarded if a member rates his/ her own business.

Note: Staffing numbers will be used to determine the Large and Small winners in each Category.

  • Member Business Name
  • Contact Name
  • Number of Staff?
    Staffing numbers will be used to determine the Large and Small winners in each category.
  • Category to list your business
    1) Service Professional
    2) Trade
    3) Supplier
  • Special Note
    All entries in the Partner Awards will be judged by their BILD-CA peers in an on-line survey. It is important to note that members will be asked to rate their work experience with the entrant during the past year. If a member rates another similar competing business those survey answers will be discarded from the overall results.
    To help the association identify a competing member business please list those businesses.
    To see a list of our members please visit
  • Trade
  • Design Credit
    Name the company or companies who assisted you in the presentation of your entry. (Separate by commas.)